
Advertising Options

Welcome to Business News Hub, a rapidly expanding international news media platform with over 10,000 unique daily visitors. If you’re interested in promoting your business to our audience, we offer several prime advertising options:

Advertorial Guest Posting

Publish your informative or promotional articles on our site, complete with nofollow links directing readers to your business website.

Sitewide Text Links

Feature your website links across our platform as a friendly reference, accompanied by nofollow links.

Banner Advertising

Place your promotional images in strategic locations on our website, including near the logo, in sidebar sections, and before and after news blocks.


Our advertorial options are priced as follows:

Advertorial Methods:

  • Price per guest post: [Specify Price]
  • Price per month: [Specify Price]

Banner Advertising:

  • Banner near logo (468×60): $300 AUD per month
  • Banner in the first sidebar area (300×250): $300 AUD per month
  • Banner in the second sidebar area (300×250): $200 AUD per month
  • Banner in the third sidebar area (300×250): $100 AUD per month

For inquiries or to request more information, please contact us at

We also offer specialized advertising options for casino, gambling, and betting content, including sponsored paid articles and guest post opportunities.

  • Casino, Gambling & Betting Guest Posts
  • Sponsored Post – Paid Articles
  • Write for Us – Guest Post Opportunities

Explore our advertising options and discover how Business News Hub can help you reach a wider audience.